God so loved the world
that He clothed his only Son
in human flesh,
to lead mankind home to Him
by walking the walk
and talking the talk.
But man, so mortal and finite,
refused to see the Way to light.
He refused to see beyond the walls of this temporal existence.
He refused to live the way of love.
He chose to partake in the frenzied rage of here and now
and he he felt justified as he numbered himself with the crowd.
Then man nailed the Way, the Truth and the Life to a cross.
and he destroyed the human flesh.
God so loved the world,
that He sent the Living Son back into the world
for one last try to show mankind
the Way home to Him.
For God so loved the world.
What does God see?
He sees people living in luxury and comfort.
He people suffering atrocities at the hands of others.
He sees outrage over money,
and ignorance over deplorable human existence.
He sees the sick the suffering the poor and the oppressed.
He sees greed.
But, God so loves the world,
and in the remnant of mankind
that seeks The Way,
He sees hearts that choose love.
He sees compassion for the poor,
He sees men and women of mercy,
and He sees faithful people of peace.
He sees in their faces, the face of His Son.
And with that,
in this world that God so loves,
we have hope.